Veterans Coffee House 

This is a weekly meeting where veterans of all ages, branches and status come together and hang out, have fun, get important information about their benefits, learn about historical events in our country's military  history and forge friendships that last a lifetime.  Free. 
Family members are welcome.

Family Fun Night

We sponsor family fun nights once a month so that veterans with younger children can meet up and the kids can make friends with one another.  Being a military child is often challenging and these events provide a way for them to share their unique stories and experiences.


If you are a veteran looking for housing and need assistance with rent or a deposit we may be able to help you.  We work closely with the VA and local landlords as well as other agencies to make sure our veterans are not homeless.


We work with state and federal lawmakers to advocate for veteran friendly legislation and provide feedback to them on veteran needs.  Every year we create a legislative agenda and testify at hearings to make sure veterans' issues are addressed.

Honor Their Memory

We believe it is important to honor those who served even after they have left us.  We place flags on graves, clean off gravestones, installed flags and solar lights at cemeteries, landscaped memorial sites and lay wreaths in memory of our fallen.

Wreaths Across America 

Every year we are a participating site for the national Wreaths Across America event on the third weekend in December at noon.  The ceremony is at the New Willimantic Cemetery on West Main St, Willimantic.  Volunteers are always welcome and your purchase of 2 wreaths gets us a 3rd one free.  To purchase go HERE

Feed Our Vets 

Working with several food distribution programs and our partners, we provide food boxes to any veteran regardless of need, including home deliveries. We have delivered hundreds of meals and personal supplies to both active service members and veterans.  On the first Wednesday of the month we have a food pantry at our center for any veteran and their family from 11:00 am-Noon.

Business Services

  We provide Professional Development workshops and webinars designed to help small business owners tackle new technology, finances, HR issues, OSHA policies, state and local regulations and other business related topics, as well as personal growth topics.  We can help you start your own business or grow the one you currently own.  
Our partners include:  SBA, WBDC, SBDC,SCORE,  CEDF.

Health and Wellness

In partnership with the VA and other health and wellness providers, we host meetings on health related topics such as PTSD, MDT,  Dementia, Suicide Awareness and Holistic Therapies such as Yoga, Massage and Thai Chi. We have a VA Health outreach person at our facility who can help with appointments, referrals and benefits.  Our partner, Windham Hospital, sets up a community health clinic on a regular basis that provides free vaccinations, blood tests, blood pressure and blood sugar tests as well as urgent care services such as rashes, sutures and infections.

Connect Our Vets 

In partnership with the CT VA and the social workers in our region, we provide i-pads and internet service to those veterans who are at risk of suicide. These tools allow them to attend group sessions, visit with their therapists, social workers and doctors, keep them connected to their families and friends and apply for VA benefits and programs, as well as professional development courses and workforce assistance.

Visit our Vets

Our veteran volunteers visit homebound, ill and recovering veterans in our region to do wellness checks, offer them friendship, spiritual support and comradery, and make appropriate recommendations and referrals for services and programs.

Community Military Themed Events 

Our veteran volunteers host several events honoring veterans, the military and historical moments throughout the year including Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day, National Vietnam War Day and Veterans Day. They are always free and open to the public, all military families and branches of the
US Armed Forces.

Communication and Awareness

We keep our veterans informed of changes in VA policies and benefits, new programs and services available to them, discounts, events and opportunities through our email newsletter and Facebook page as well as announcements at our weekly coffee house.

Backpacks For Life

One of our amazing partners, Backpacks for Life, helps us to provide a military grade rucksack filled with personal needs items such as shampoo, toothbrush, socks, deodorant for any veteran in need, especially those just discharged from service of the hospital.

Martial Arts

Every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:15 pm we host a martial arts program for veterans of any age or ability.  This program has been used as a rehabilitation program as well as a strengthening class.  Our oldest student is 89 and our youngest is 25.  There is a discounted fee of $40 per month.